See also

George DODD (aft1828-1898)

Name: George DODD
Sex: Male
Father: George DODD (1810?-1890?)
Mother: -

Individual Events and Attributes

Birth btw 1828 and 1831 Manchester, Lancashire, England1,2
FindMyPast Census Records WiP:
1841 HO107 584 1/25 5 Chorlton, Manchester
(only one with George DODD x 2 & b.1828+/-3 in Lancs)
DODD, George M 30 1811 Lancashire Maconic !
DODD, Elice F 30 1811 "
DODD, John M 15 1826 " Winder
DODD, Harriott F 20 1821 " Winder
DODD, Margrett F 14 1827 "
DODD, George M 13 1828 "
DODD, Emmelia F 6 1835 "
1851 HO107 2219 0 0 Chorlton, Manchester
(one other George DODD Lodger b. 1825)
Sharples, Thomas Head M 31 1820 Hooley Hill
Sharples, Eliza Wife F 31 1820 Manchester
Sharples, Agnes Dau F 9 1842 Chorlton
Sharples, Thomas Son M 1 1850 Chorlton
DODD, George Bro/law M 23 1828 Manchester Mechanic
DODD, Eliza Wife F 25 1826 Leeds,Yorks
DODD, Elizabeth Dau F 3 1848 Manchester
DODD, Emma Dau F ?m 1851 " (b.Q4 1849 Manchester d.Q3 1851 Chorlton FreeBMD)
1861 RG09 2946 27 47 Manchester
(only one George DODD b.1828+/-5 b.Manchester)
DODD, George Head M 35 1826 Manchester Iron Turner
DODD, Eliza Wife F 36 1825 " ?
DODD, Elizabeth Dau F 13 1848 "
DODD, Alice Dau F 9 1852 " (Alice Hannah b.Q2 1852 Manchester FreeBMD)
DODD, John Son M 2 1859 " (several b.Q2/4 1858, Q2/3/4 1859 Manchester FreeBMD)
(Hard to find anyone in 1871 Census - Elizabeth & Alice H may be married)
1871 RG10 4009 82 34 Salford, Lancs
DODD, Alice A Head F 18 1853 Manchester questionable
1871 RG10 4025 8 10 Salford, Lancs
SWEETMAN, Ann Head F 68 1803 Manchester
et al
DODD, John Grndson M 12 1859 Manchester questionable
1871 RG10 2514 64 18 Bedminster, Somerset
DODD, George Boarder 16m 1869 London questionable
1881 RG11 West Ham
DODD, George Head 50 1831? Manchester,Lancs Fitter & Turner
DODD, Harriet Wife 38 1843? Whitechapel,Middlesex
DODD, George Son 11 1869? St.Luke(Holborn),Middlesex
Census 3 Apr 1881 (age 50) West Ham, Essex, England "GRO District"1,3
130, Chandos Road, Stratford, London, E15 1TU
Occupation 3 Apr 1881 (age 49-53) Fitter & Turner at Eng Works; West Ham, Essex, England "GRO District"1
Occupation Jul 1882 (age 50-54) Engineer; West Ham, Essex, England "GRO District"4
Census 5 Apr 1891 (age 61) West Ham, Essex, England "GRO District"2,5
159, Major Road, Stratford, London, E15 1DY
Occupation 5 Apr 1891 (age 59-63) Ships Log Maker employee; West Ham, Essex, England "GRO District"2
Employer/Employed/Neither Employer nor Employed: Employed
Occupation 1895 (app) (age 63-67) Mechanical Engineer6,7
Death Q4 1898 (age 70) Holborn, Middlesex/London, England8
WiP LegalPapers
DODD, George 1898-09-30 Probate, Islington, Executor H. DODD

Marriage (1)

Spouse Emma FORREST (1831?-1866)
Children Emma W DODD (1866-1866)
Marriage Q2 1866 (age 34-38) Pancras, Middlesex, England9

Marriage (2)


Daughter: Florence Harriet DODD, 1946, age 63

Spouse Harriett NICHOLL (1840-1912)
Children George DODD (1869-1941)
Florence Harriet DODD (1882-1964)
Marriage 20 Sep 1868 (age 36-40) Shoreditch, Middlesex, England10
St.John the Baptist Parish Church, Hoxton, Shoreditch, Middlesex/London, N1
George is a Widower on Marriage Certificate
Co-residence Sep 1868 (age 36-40) Haggerston; Shoreditch, Middlesex, England10
43, Nicholas Street, Haggerston, Middlesex/London, E2
Co-residence frm Apr 1881 to Jul 1882 (age 49-54) Stratford; West Ham, Essex, England "GRO District"1,3,4
130, Chandos Road, Stratford, London, E15 1TU
Co-residence Apr 1891 (age 59-63) Stratford; West Ham, Essex, England "GRO District"2,5
159, Major Road, Stratford, London, E15 1DY


1GRO, 1881 RG11 1707 090 41 DODD, George (RG11 1707 090 41 243).
Text From Source:
District: West Ham
Sub-district: Stratford
Enum.District: ?
Eccl.District: St.Pauls
Parish: West Ham
City/Borough: ?
Address: 130 Chandos Road, West Ham
County: Essex
Name Relation Condition Sex Age Occupation Where Born
George Dodd Head Mar M 50 Fitter & Turner at Eng.Works Manchester, Lancashire
Harriet Dodd Wife Mar F 38 Whitechapel, Middlesex
George Dodd Son Unm M 11 Scholar St.Lukes, Middlesex
Cit. Date: 3 April 1881.

Source: 1881 RG11 1707 090 41 DODD, George, 1881 RG11 1707 090 41 DODD, George FindMyPast

2GRO, 1891 RG12 1314 044 37 DODD, George (RG12 1314 044 37 214).
Text From Source:
District: West Ham
Sub-district: Stratford
Enum.District: 17
Eccl.District: St.Pauls
Parish: West Ham
City/Borough: West Ham - Forest Gate
Address: 159 Major Road, Stratford
County: Essex
Name Relation Condition Sex Age Occupation Employ Status Where Born
George Dodd Head M M 61 Ships Log Maker Employed Manchester, Lancashire
Harriett Dodd Wife M F 49 Whitechapel, London
George Dodd Son S M 21 Distillers Clerk Employed St.Lukes, London
Florence H Dodd Daughter S F 8 Scholar West Ham, Essex
Cit. Date: 5 April 1891.

Source: 1891 RG12 1314 044 37 DODD, George, 1891 RG12 1314 044 37 DODD, George FindMyPast

3Locations Database Record 130 Chandos Road, Stratford, London
District: West Ham.
4GRO, DODD, Florence Harriet 1882 Birth (1882 Q3 West Ham 4a 20 263).
Text From Source:
Certificate: CA 099805
District: West Ham
Sub-district: Stratford
County: Essex
Entry No: 263
When: Fifth July 1882
Where: 130 Chandos Road U.S.D.
Name: Florence Harriet
Sex: Girl
Father: George Dodd
Mother: Harriet Dodd formerly Nichols
Occupation: Engineer
Informant: H. Dodd Mother
Residence: Chandos Road, Stratford
Registered: Fourteenth August 1882
Dep.Registrar: E. Vallance
Index 146: DODD, Florence Harriet W. Ham 4a 20.
Cit. Date: 14 August 1882.

Source: DODD, Florence Harriet 1882 Birth, DODD, Florence Harriet 1882-07-05 Birth


Source: DODD, Florence Harriet 1882 Birth, DODD, Florence Harriet 1882 Q3 Birth FreeBMD

5Locations Database Record 159 Major Road, Stratford, London
District: West Ham.
6GRO, DODD nee NICHOLL, Harriett 1912 Death (1912 Q2 West Ham 4a 44 69).
Text From Source:
Certificate: DYC 636082
District: West Ham
Sub-district: Forest Gate
County: West Ham C.B.
Entry No: 69
When: Thirteenth June 1912
Where: 173 Boleyn Road
Name: Harriett Dodd
Sex: Female
Maiden: -
Age: 71 years
Occupation: Widow of George Dodd a Mechanical Engineer
Address: -
Cause: Senile Decay & Bronchitis 7 days Coma Certified by T.E.Johnson
Informant: F.H.Dodd Daughter Present at the Death
Address: 173 Bolyn Road, Forest Gate
Registered: Thirteenth June 1912
Registrar: A.E.Jacobs
Index 190: DODD, Harriett 71 W.Ham 4a 44.
Cit. Date: 13 June 1912.

Source: DODD nee NICHOLL, Harriett 1912 Death, DODD, Harriett 1912-06-13 Death


Source: DODD nee NICHOLL, Harriett 1912 Death, DODD, Harriett 1912 Q2 Death FreeBMD

7GRO, TATE, Matthew John Thomas & DODD, Florence Harriet 1912 Marriage (1912 Q4 Shoreditch 1c 171 330).
Text From Source:
Certificates: MXC 977090 & Original 7 Oct 1912
District: Shoreditch
Place: St.Andrew's Hoxton
Parish: Shoreditch
County: Middlesex
Entry No: 330
When: October 7th 1912
Name: Matthew John Thomas Tate Florence Harriet Dodd
Age: 30 years 29 years
Condition: Bachelor Spinster
Profession: Coach Builder -
Residence: 228 Hoxton Street 228 Hoxton Street
Father: Henry Tate George Dodd
Profession: Railway Inspector Engineer
Witnesses: Frederick Reynolds & Annie Elizabeth Reynolds
Married after Banns by G.J.Jarvis
Index 222: TATE, Matthew J.T. DODD Shoreditch 1c 171
Index 273: DODD, Florence H. TATE Shoreditch 1c 171.
Cit. Date: 7 October 1912.

Source: TATE, Matthew John Thomas & DODD, Florence Harriet 1912 Marriage, TATE, Matthew John Thomas 1912-10-07 Marriage


Source: TATE, Matthew John Thomas & DODD, Florence Harriet 1912 Marriage, TATE, Matthew John Thomas 1912 Q4 Marr FreeBMD


Source: TATE, Matthew John Thomas & DODD, Florence Harriet 1912 Marriage, DODD, Florence Harriet 1912 Q4 Marr FreeBMD

8GRO, DODD, George 1898 Death (1898 Q4 Holborn 1b 427 E?).
Text From Source:
District: Holborn
Index ?: DODD, George 70 Holborn 1b 427.
Cit. Date: Q4 1898.
9GRO, DODD, George & FORREST, Emma 1866 Marriage (1866 Q2 Pancras 1b 185 E?).
Text From Source:
Certificate: {MXYZ 123456}
District: Pancras
Place: {Place}
Parish: {Parish}
County: {County}
Entry No: E?
When: {Date}
Name: {Groom} {Bride}
Age: {Age} years {Age} years
Condition: {Bach} {Spin}
Profession: {Job} {Job}
Residence: {Addr} {Addr}
Father: {Name} {Name} { (d.)=(deceased) }
Profession: {Job} {Job}
Witnesses: {Name} & {Name}
Married {after Banns} by {Name} {Role}
{Prefer Formats: A.Surname St.Parish }
Index 65: DODD, George Pancras 1b 185
Index 81: FORREST, Emma Pancras 1b 185.
Cit. Date: Q2 1866.

Source: DODD, George & FORREST, Emma 1866 Marriage, DODD, George 1866 Q2 Marr FreeBMD


Source: DODD, George & FORREST, Emma 1866 Marriage, FORREST, Emma 1866 Q2 Marr FreeBMD

10GRO, DODD, George & NICHOLL, Harriett 1868 Marriage (1868 Q3 Shoreditch 1c 360 176).
Text From Source:
Certificate: Page 88
District: Shoreditch
Place: Parish Church
Parish: St.John the Baptist, Hoxton
County: Middlesex
Entry No: 176
When: 20th September 1868
Name: George Dodd Harriett Nicholl
Age: Full Full ( 27 pencil note )
Condition: Widower Spinster (DIED 13-6-1912)
Profession: Engineer -
Residence: 43 Nicholas Street 43 Nicholas Street
Father: George Dodd Thomas Nicholl
Profession: Engineer Cooper
Witnesses: Richard Reynolds & Ann Reynolds
Married {after Banns} by R.Strong Curate
Index 59: DODD, George Shoreditch 1c 360
Index 151: NICHOLL, Harriett Shoreditch 1c 360.
Cit. Date: 20 September 1868.

Source: DODD, George & NICHOLL, Harriett 1868 Marriage, DODD, George 1868-09-20 Marriage


Source: DODD, George & NICHOLL, Harriett 1868 Marriage, DODD, George 1868 Q3 Marr FreeBMD


Source: DODD, George & NICHOLL, Harriett 1868 Marriage, NICHOLL, Harriett 1868 Q3 Marr FreeBMD