See also

Muriel Edna BRYAN (1925-2009)

Name: Muriel Edna BRYAN
Sex: Female
Father: Frederick James Charles BRYAN ( - )
Mother: Elsie HARDY ( - )

Individual Events and Attributes

Birth 17 Feb 1925 Uxbridge, Middlesex, England "GRO District"1,2
6, Cleveland Road, Hillingdon, West Uxbridge, Middlesex, UB8 2DW
Occupation 1949 (age 23-24) Shorthand Typist; Uxbridge, Middlesex, England "GRO District"3
Residence to 1949 (age 23-24) Uxbridge, Middlesex, England "GRO District"3
142, Central Avenue, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 2DB
Death Informed 5 Sep 2002 (age 77) husband Robert; Chiltern Hills, Buckinghamshire, England4
Amersham Hospital, Whielden Street, Amersham, Bucks, HP7 0JD
Register of Electors frm 2002 to 2004 (age 76-79) High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England5
3, Lorraine Close, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 7JY
Death 2009 (age 83-84) England
No record in FindMyPast upto December 2006
Found in Ancestry by search for Muriel Fuller born 1925



Spouse: Robert Leonard FULLER, 1946, age 18

Spouse Robert Leonard FULLER (1927-2002)
Children Andrew Robert FULLER
Marriage 17 Sep 1949 (age 24) Ealing, Middlesex, England "GRO District"3,6
Holy Trinity Church, Park View Road, Southall, Middlesex, UB1 3HJ
Co-residence 1980 (app) (age 54-55) the family home; Uxbridge, Middlesex, England "GRO District"
22, Stirling Road, Hayes, Middlesex, UB3 3AH
Co-residence frm 1990 to 2002 (age 64-77) the family home; High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, England4
3, Lorraine Close, High Wycombe, Bucks, HP13 7JY


1GRO, BRYAN, Muriel Edna 1925 Birth (1925 Q1 Uxbridge 3a 78 432).
Text From Source:
Certificate: BXCE 668408
District: Uxbridge
Sub-district: Uxbridge
County: Middlesex
Entry No: 432
When: Seventeenth February 1925
Where: 6 Cleveland Road, Hillingdon, West Uxbridge U.D.
Name: Muriel Edna
Sex: Girl
Father: Frederick James Bryan
Mother: Elsie Bryan formerly Hardy
Occupation: Journeyman Carpenter of 14 Longmead Road, Hayes
Informant: E.Bryan Mother
Residence: 14 Longmead Road, Hayes, Middlesex
Registered: Twenty Seventh March 1925
Registrar: A.Finch
Index 142: BRYAN, Muriel E. HARDY Uxbridge 3a 78.
Cit. Date: 27 March 1925.

Source: BRYAN, Muriel Edna 1925 Birth, BRYAN, Muriel Edna 1925-02-17 Birth


Source: BRYAN, Muriel Edna 1925 Birth, BRYAN, Muriel Edna 1925 Q1 Birth FreeBMD

2Locations Database Record 6 Cleveland Road, Hillingdon, West Uxbridge, Middlesex
District: Uxbridge.
3GRO, FULLER, Robert Leonard & BRYAN, Muriel Edna 1949 Marriage (1949 Q3 Ealing 5e 348 328).
Text From Source:
Certificate: MXE 884960
District: Ealing
Place: Parish Church
Parish: Holy Trinity, Southall
County: Middlesex
Entry No: 328
When: September 17th 1949
Name: Robert Leonard Fuller Muriel Edna Bryan
Age: 22 years 24 years
Condition: Bachelor Spinster
Profession: Instrument Maker Shorthand Typist
Residence: 42 Durdans Rd, Southall 142 Central Avenue, Hayes
Father: Edward Thomas B. Fuller Frederick James Charles Bryan
Profession: Deceased Carpenter
Witnesses: F.J.Bryan & E.Fuller
Married after Banns by R.V.Baldry Vicar of St.Johns Clay Hill
Index 509: FULLER, Robert L. BRYAN Ealing 5e 348
Index 192: BRYAN, Muriel E. FULLER Ealing 5e 348.
Cit. Date: 17 September 1949.

Source: FULLER, Robert Leonard & BRYAN, Muriel Edna 1949 Marriage, FULLER, Robert Leonard 1949-09-17 Marriage


Source: FULLER, Robert Leonard & BRYAN, Muriel Edna 1949 Marriage, FULLER, Robert Leonard 1949 Q3 Marr FindMyPast


Source: FULLER, Robert Leonard & BRYAN, Muriel Edna 1949 Marriage, BRYAN, Muriel Edna 1949 Q3 Marr FindMyPast

4GRO, FULLER, Robert Leonard 2002 Death (2002 Sep Chiltern Hills L8D 179).
Text From Source:
Certificate: QBDY 308854
District: Chiltern Hills
Sub-district: Chiltern Hills
County: Buckinghamshire
Entry No: 179
Date: First September 2002
Place: General Hospital, Amersham
Name: Robert Leonard FULLER
Sex: Male
DoB/Place: 5th July 1927 West Drayton, Hillingdon
Occupation: Draughtsman (retired)
Address: 3 Lorraine Close, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Cause: 1(a) Metastatic transitional cell carcinoma of bladder
Certified by R.A.Hulett, Coroner for Buckinghamshire
after post mortem without inquest
Informant: Muriel Edna FULLER Widow of deceased
Address: 3 Lorraine Close, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire
Registered: Fifth September 2002
Registrar: R.Fisher
Index: FULLER, Robert Leonard 5 Jul 1927 Chiltern/3271D 2002/Sep L8D.
Cit. Date: 5 September 2002.

Source: FULLER, Robert Leonard 2002 Death, FULLER, Robert Leonard 2002-09-01 Death

5FULLER nee BRYAN, Muriel Edna 2002-2004 Electoral Roll.
Text From Source:
First name: Muriel
Middle name: E
Last name: Fuller
Building name: 3
Street: Lorraine Close
District: High Wycombe
Region: South East
Area: Hemel Hempstead
County: Buckinghamshire
Country: England
Other occupants
Muriel, Fuller Years: 2002, 2003, 2004
Robert, Fuller Years: 2002
District: High Wycombe.
Cit. Date: from 2002 to 2004.
6Locations Database Record Holy Trinity Church, Park View Road, Southall, Middlesex
District: Uxbridge
then: Ealing.