See also

Edith Mary WILSON (1918-1982)

Name: Edith Mary WILSON
Sex: Female
Father: William Edward WILSON (1881?-1927)
Mother: Ada WATERHOUSE (1885-1951)

Individual Events and Attributes

Birth 22 Dec 1918 Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"1
No.1 Court 3, West Bar, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S3 8P[?]
Residence to 11 May 1940 (age 21) Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"2
32, Southey Green Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S5 8GW
Occupation 1970 (app) (age 51-52) Cleaner
Death 1 Jan 1982 (age 63) Sheffield, Yorkshire South, England3
Cause: Carcinomatosis & C A Bronchus
Address: Northern General Hospital, Herries Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S5 7AU


Spouse Frederick FENNELL (1917-1987)
Children Derek SCOTT
Alan Jeffrey SCOTT
Malcolm SCOTT
Co-residence frm 1939 to 1958 (age 20-40) the family home of his foster parents; Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"2,4,5
67, Musgrave Crescent, Shirecliffe, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S5 7DQ
Marriage 11 May 1940 (age 21) Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"2,6
District Register Office, 88, Surrey Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S1 2LH
by which time he had adopted the name Frederick Fennell SCOTT
Co-residence frm 1958 (age 39-40) their lives; Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"7,8
113, Musgrave Crescent, Shirecliffe, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S5 7DR


1GRO, WILSON, Edith Mary 1918 Birth (1919 Q1 Sheffield 9c 699 402).
Text From Source:
Certificate: FD 025960
District: Sheffield
Sub-district: South Sheffield
County: Sheffield
Entry No: 402
When: Twenty Second December 1918
Where: 3 Court 1 House, West Bar, Sheffield U.D.
Name: Edith Mary
Sex: Girl
Father: William WILSON
Mother: Ada WILSON late MORGAN formerly WATERHOUSE
Occupation: Steel Works Labourer Ex-Private Rifle Brigade
Informant: Ada Wilson Mother
Residence: 3 Court 1 House, West Bar, Sheffield
Registered: Third February 1919
Registrar: John T. Frith
Index 199: WILSON, Edith M. WATERHOUSE Sheffield 9c 699
Anomaly: Father William WILSON is different from Marriage Certificate.
Cit. Date: 3 February 1919.

Source: WILSON, Edith Mary 1918 Birth, WILSON, Edith Mary 1918-12-22 Birth


Source: WILSON, Edith Mary 1918 Birth, WILSON, Edith Mary 1919 Q1 Birth FindMyPast

2GRO, SCOTT aka FENNELL, Frederick & WILSON, Edith Mary 1940 Marriage (1940 Q2 Sheffield 9c 1504 177).
Text From Source:
Certificate: MXD 675346
Place: Register Office
District: Sheffield
County: Sheffield
Entry No: 177
When: Eleventh May 1940
Name: Frederick Scott Edith Mary Wilson
Age: 23 years 21 years
Condition: Bachelor Spinster
Profession: Backer in Steel Rolling Mill -
Residence: 67 Musgrave Crescent 32 Southey Green Road
Sheffield Sheffield
Father: Fred Scott John William Wilson (d.)
Profession: Cabinet Case Repairer Builder's Labourer
Witnesses: Jenny Smith & John Wilson
Married by R.Smith Registrar
Index 187: SCOTT, Frederick WILSON Sheffield 9c 1504
Index 488: WILSON, Edith M. SCOTT Sheffield 9c 1504
Anomaly: Father John William WILSON is different from Edith's Birth Certificate & William's Marriage Certificate.
Cit. Date: 11 May 1940.

Source: SCOTT aka FENNELL, Frederick & WILSON, Edith Mary 1940 Marriage, SCOTT, Frederick 1940-05-11 Marriage


Source: SCOTT aka FENNELL, Frederick & WILSON, Edith Mary 1940 Marriage, SCOTT, Frederick 1940 Q2 Marr FindMyPast


Source: SCOTT aka FENNELL, Frederick & WILSON, Edith Mary 1940 Marriage, WILSON, Edith Mary 1940 Q2 Marr FindMyPast

3GRO, SCOTT nee WILSON, Edith Mary 1982 Death (1982 Q1 Sheffield 3 1331 266).
Text From Source:
Certificate: QBDX 885815
District: Sheffield
Sub-district: Sheffield
Admin area: Sheffield
Entry No: 266
Date: First January 1982
Place: Northern General Hospital, Sheffield
Name: Edith Mary SCOTT
Sex: Female
Maiden: WILSON
DoB/Place: 22nd December 1918 Sheffield
Occupation: Wife of Frederick SCOTT Postman (retired)
Address: 113, Musgrave Crescent, Sheffield
Informant: Frederick SCOTT Widower of deceased
Address: 113, Musgrave Crescent, Sheffield
Cause: Carcinomatosis & C. A. Bronchus Certified by K.Malcolm M.B.
Registered: Fourth January 1982
Registrar: B.Hodgkinson
Index 905: SCOTT, Edith Mary 22 Dec 1918 Sheffield 3 1331.
Cit. Date: 4 January 1982.

Source: SCOTT nee WILSON, Edith Mary 1982 Death, SCOTT, Edith Mary 1982-01-01 Death


Source: SCOTT nee WILSON, Edith Mary 1982 Death, SCOTT, Edith Mary 1982 Q1 Death FindMyPast

4GRO, SCOTT nee BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1953 Death (1953 Q3 Sheffield 2d 187 42).
Text From Source:
Certificate: XB 902966
District: Sheffield
Sub-district: Sheffield North-East
County: Sheffield
Entry No: 42
When: Fifteenth September 1953
Where: 2 Herries Road U.D.
Name: Susannah Scott
Sex: Female
Age: 80 years
Occupation: Widow of Fred Scott, Leather Worker
Cause: Arterio sclerosis Certified by J.E.Middleton B.M.
Informant: F.Scott Son
Address: 12 Painted Fabrics, Meadowhead, Sheffield
Registered: Seventeenth September 1953
Registrar: J.M.Beattie
Issued to: Frederick Fennell Scott
Address: 67 Musgrave Crescent, Sheffield
Relationship: Adopted child
Index 200: SCOTT, Susannah 80 Sheffield 2d 187.
Cit. Date: 17 September 1953.

Source: SCOTT nee BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1953 Death, SCOTT, Susannah 1953-09-15 Death


Source: SCOTT nee BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1953 Death, SCOTT, Susannah 1953 Q3 Death FindMyPast

5Locations Database Record 67 Musgrave Crescent, Shirecliffe, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Sheffield.
6Locations Database Record District Register Office, 88 Surrey Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Ecclesall Bierlow
then: Sheffield.
7GRO, SCOTT aka FENNELL, Frederick 1987 Death (1987 Jan Sheffield 3 1921 12).
Text From Source:
Certificate: QBDX 885819
District: Sheffield
Sub-district: Sheffield
Admin area: Sheffield
Entry No: 12
Date: Tenth January 1987
Place: St Lukes Nursing Home, Little Common Lane, Sheffield
Name: Frederick SCOTT
Sex: Male
Maiden: -
DoB/Place: 23rd February 1917 Sheffield
Occupation: Postman (Post Office) (retired)
Address: 113, Musgrave Crescent, Sheffield
Informant: Malcolm SCOTT Son
Address: 17, Orchard Sreet, Oughtibridge, Sheffield
Cause: Carcinomatosis & Carcinoma of Bronchus Certified by D.M. Everett M.B.
Registered: Twelfth January 1987
Registrar: L Scotson
Index: SCOTT, Frederick 23 Feb 1917 Sheffield 1987/Jan 3 1921.
Cit. Date: 12 January 1987.

Source: SCOTT aka FENNELL, Frederick 1987 Death, SCOTT, Frederick 1987-01-10 Death

8Locations Database Record 113 Musgrave Crescent, Shirecliffe, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Sheffield.