Beryl Tate E-mail:

INGREDIENTS to serve 12 muffins :-

200 g (4 thick slices) sliced toasting bread

100 g (4 oz) grated cheese

3 spring onions

small bunch chives

3 large eggs

1 teaspoon mustard

140 ml (5 fl oz) milk

salt & pepper


Break the bread into small even sized pieces.

Grate the cheese, finely chop the spring onions and chives, and mix with the bread.

Beat together the eggs, mustard, and milk, and pour over the bread mixture.

Season to taste and mix well.

Leave at least 2 hours, or overnight to soak.

Divide into 12 bun cases.

Bake for 20 minutes at Gas Mark 4 / 350°F / 180°C (160°C for fan oven) until golden brown and firm.