See also

Winifred Beryl HAYES (1922-1969)

Name: Winifred Beryl HAYES
Sex: Female
Alt. Name: Beryl Winifred HAYES
Father: George Henry HAYES (1892-1950)
Mother: Margaret Hilda FENNELL (1894-1983)

Individual Events and Attributes

Birth 21 Sep 1922 Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"1,2,3
Women's Hospital, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S?
Residence frm Sep 1922 (age 0) Ecclesall Bierlow, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"1,4
81, Upper Valley Road, Norton Lees, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S8 9HA
Census 29 Sep 1939 (age 17) Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"3
5, Khartoum Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S11 8RD
Occupation 29 Sep 1939 (age 17) Junior Clerk In Engineers Office At Steel Works; Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"3
Death 27 May 1969 (age 46) Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"2,5
Cause: Carcinoma of Ovary & Venous Gangrene of Legs
Address: Royal Infirmary, Montgomery Terrace Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S6 3BR


Spouse Hubert Franciszek CZYBA (1920?-1990?)
Children Peter G M CZYBA (1947-1947)
Paul Anthony CZYBA
Co-residence to 29 Jan 1946 (age 23) Ecclesall (near Polish Ex-Servicemens Club, 1-3 Dover Road); Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"6,7
5, Khartoum Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S11 8RD
Marriage 29 Jan 1946 (age 23) Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"6,8
St.William of York RC Church, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S11 8TL
Co-residence to May 1969 (age 46) Winifred's mother's house (until she died in 1983); Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"2,9
591, City Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S2 1GL


1GRO, HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1922 Birth (1922 Q4 Sheffield 9c 856 485).
Text From Source:
Certificate: BXCE 197840
District: Sheffield
Sub-district: South Sheffield
County: Sheffield C.B.
Entry No: 485
When: Twenty First September 1922
Where: Women's Hospital, Sheffield U.D.
Name: Winifred Beryl
Sex: Girl
Father: George Henry Hayes
Mother: Margaret Hilda Hayes formerly Fennell
Occupation: Corporation Tramcar Conductor
Informant: George H. Hayes Father
Residence: 81 Upper Valley Road, Sheffield U.D.
Registered: Seventh November 1922
Registrar: John T. Frith
Index 481: HAYES, Winifred B. FENNELL Sheffield 9c 856.
Cit. Date: 7 November 1922.

Source: HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1922 Birth, HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1922-09-21 Birth


Source: HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1922 Birth, HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1922 Q4 Birth FreeBMD

2GRO, CZYBA nee HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1969 Death (1969 Q2 Sheffield 2d 204 156).
Text From Source:
Certificate: QBDY 386552
District: Sheffield
Sub-district: Sheffield
Admin area: County Borough of Sheffield
Entry No: 156
Date: Twentyseventh May 1969
Place: Royal Infirmary, Sheffield
Name: Winifred Beryl CZYBA
Sex: Female
Maiden: HAYES
DoB/Place: 21st September 1922 Sheffield
Occupation: Wife of Hubert Czyba, Cutlery Works Supervisor
Address: 591 City Road, Sheffield
Cause: I.a. Carcinoma of ovary
II. Venous gangrene of legs
Certified by A.N.Fawcett M.B.
Informant: Hubert Czyba Widower of deceased
Address: 591 City Road, Sheffield
Registered: Twentyninth May 1969
Registrar: W.G.Wild
Index 228: CZYBA, Winifred Beryl 21 Sep 1922 Sheffield 2d 204.
Cit. Date: 29 May 1969.

Source: CZYBA nee HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1969 Death, CZYBA, Winifred Beryl 1969-05-27 Death


Source: CZYBA nee HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1969 Death, CZYBA, Winifred Beryl 1969 Q2 Death FindMyPast

31939 RG101 3506D 015 43 HAYES, George Henry (RG101 3506D 015 43).
Text From Source:
Ref: RG101/3506D/015/42
Letter Code: KIAM
County: Yorkshire (West Riding)
Borough: Sheffield
District: 510-1
Address: 5, Khartoum Road, Sheffield
Name of person Status Gender Birthdate Cond. Occupation Schedule
George H Hayes M 30 Oct 1892 M Corporation Tram Driver 173 1
Margaret H Hayes F 18 Apr 1894 M Unpaid Domestic Duties 173 2
Winifred B Hayes F 21 Sep 1922 S Junior Clerk in Engineers 173 3
Office at Steel Works
Kenneth Stapleton M 29 Nov 1918 S University Student 173 4
Cit. Date: 29 September 1939.

Source: 1939 RG101 3506D 015 43 HAYES, George Henry, 1939 RG101 3506D 015 43 HAYES, George Henry FindMyPast

4Locations Database Record 81 Upper Valley Road, Norton, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Ecclesall Bierlow
then: Sheffield.

81 Upper Valley Road, Sheffield

5Locations Database Record Royal Infirmary, Montgomery Terrace Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Sheffield.
6GRO, CZYBA, Hubert Franciszek & HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1946 Marriage (1946 Q1 Sheffield 9c 1141 26).
Text From Source:
Certificate: MXF 007696
District: Sheffield
Place: St.Williams Catholic Church
Parish: Sheffield
County: Borough of Sheffield
Entry No: 26
When: Twentyninth January 1946
Name: Hubert Franciszek Czyba Beryl Winifred Hayes
Age: 25 years 23 years
Condition: Bachelor Spinster
Profession: Lance Corporal 1920/98/1 Polish Army (Farmer's Son)
Residence: 5 Khartoum Road, Sheffield 5 Khartoum Road, Sheffield
Father: Peter Czyba George Henry Hayes
Profession: Farmer Tramways Motorman
Witnesses: A.E.Staniforth & A.Staniforth
Married by Edward O'Doherty Priest & W.B.Bennett Interim Registrar
Index 231: CZYBA, Hubert F. HAYES Sheffield 9c 1141
Index 89 : HAYES, Beryl W. CZYBA Sheffield 9c 1141.
Cit. Date: 29 January 1946.

Source: CZYBA, Hubert Franciszek & HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1946 Marriage, CZYBA, Hubert Franciszek 1946-01-29 Marriage


Source: CZYBA, Hubert Franciszek & HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1946 Marriage, CZYBA, Hubert Franciszek 1946 Q1 Marr FindMyPast


Source: CZYBA, Hubert Franciszek & HAYES, Winifred Beryl 1946 Marriage, HAYES, Beryl Winifred 1946 Q1 Marr FindMyPast

7Locations Database Record 5 Khartoum Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Sheffield.
8Locations Database Record St.William of York RC Church, Ecclesall Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Sheffield.
9Locations Database Record 591 City Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Sheffield.