See also

Susannah BOTTOMLEY (1872-1953)

Name: Susannah BOTTOMLEY
Sex: Female
Father: James Eli BOTTOMLEY (1850-1894)
Mother: Elizabeth INCE (1854?-1915?)

Individual Events and Attributes

Birth 15 May 1872 Bradford, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"1,2,3
434, Little Horton, Horton, Bradford, Yorkshire (West), BD5 0NG
Census 5 Apr 1891 (age 18) Bradford, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"2,4
440, Horton Lane, Horton, Bradford, Yorkshire (West), BD5 0NX
Occupation 5 Apr 1891 (age 18) Wool Comber employee; Bradford, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"2
Employer/Employed/Neither Employer nor Employed: Employed
Residence to Dec 1892 (age 20) Bradford, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"5,6
161, Bowling Old Lane, West Bowling, Bradford, Yorkshire (West), BD5 7ER
Census 31 Mar 1901 (age 29) Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"7,8
6, Chester Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S1 4LQ
Census 2 Apr 1911 (age 39) Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"9,10
4, Chester Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S1 4LQ
Completed years the present Marriage has lasted: 19
Total number of Children Born Alive: 3
Total number of Children still Living: 2
Total number of Children who have Died: 1
Census 29 Sep 1939 (age 67) Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"11
67, Musgrave Crescent, Shirecliffe, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S5 7DQ
Occupation 29 Sep 1939 (age 67) Domestic Duties Unpaid; Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"11
Death 15 Sep 1953 (age 80) Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"12
Cause: Arterio Sclerosis
Address: Fir Vale Infirmary/Workhouse, 2, Herries Road, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S5


Spouse Fred SCOTT (1869-bef1953)
Children Fred SCOTT (1897-aft1953)
James SCOTT (1900-1960?)
Frederick FENNELL (1917-1987)
Marriage 24 Dec 1892 (age 20) Bradford, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"5,13
St.Stephen's Church, 48, Newton Street, Bradford, Yorkshire (West), BD5 7BH
Years Married 2 Apr 1911 (age 38) 199
Child Census 2 Apr 1911 (age 38) 3 born, 2 living, 1 died9
Co-residence 1929 (age 56-57) fostering Frederick FENNELL; Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"14,15,16
54, Trafalgar Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S1 4GN
Co-residence frm 1940 (age 67-68) their lives; Sheffield, "Yorkshire West Riding", England "GRO District"12,17
67, Musgrave Crescent, Shirecliffe, Sheffield, Yorkshire (South), S5 7DQ

Individual Note

Susannah was the eldest of 5 sisters and 4 brothers.2


1GRO, BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1872 Birth (1872 Q2 Bradford 9b 200 455).
Text From Source:
Certificate: BXCE 667980
District: Bradford
Sub-district: Horton
County: Yorkshire
Entry No: 455
When: Fifteenth May 1872
Where: 434 Little Horton, Horton
Name: Susannah
Sex: Girl
Father: James Eli Bottomley
Mother: Elizabeth Bottomley formerly Ince
Occupation: Carter
Informant: X Thye mark of Elizabeth Bottomley Mother
Residence: 434 Little Horton, Horton
Registered: Thirteenth June 1872
Registrar: M.Wilcock
Index 52: BOTTOMLEY, Susannah Bradford, Y. 9b 200.
Cit. Date: 13 June 1872.

Source: BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1872 Birth, BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1872-05-15 Birth


Source: BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1872 Birth, BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1872 Q2 Birth FreeBMD

2GRO, 1891 RG12 3640 108 15 BOTTOMLEY, James (RG12 3640 108 15 94).
Text From Source:
District: Bradford
Sub-district: Horton
Enum.District: 28
Eccl.District: All Saints
Parish: Horton
City/Borough: Bradford
Address: 440 Horton Lane, Horton, Bradford
County: Yorkshire (West Riding)
Name Relation Condition Sex Age Occupation Employ Status Where Born
James Bottomley Head M M 42 Coal Carter Employed Baildon, Yorkshire
Elizabeth Bottomley Wife M F 37 Worsted Spinner Employed Esholt, Yorkshire
Susanna Bottomley Daughter S F 18 Wool Comber Employed Bradford, Yorkshire
John Bottomley Son S M 17 Brick Labourer Employed Drighlington, Yorkshire
James Bottomley Son S M 15 Worsted Spinner Employed Drighlington, Yorkshire
Annie Bottomley Daughter S F 12 Scholar Bradford, Yorkshire
Lily Bottomley Daughter S F 10 Scholar Bradford, Yorkshire
Alfred Bottomley Son S M 8 Scholar Bradford, Yorkshire
Henry Bottomley Son S M 6 Scholar Bradford, Yorkshire
Rose Bottomley Daughter S F 4 Scholar Bradford, Yorkshire
Elizabeth Bottomley Daughter S F 5 mnths Bradford, Yorkshire
Cit. Date: 5 April 1891.

Source: 1891 RG12 3640 108 15 BOTTOMLEY, James, 1891 RG12 3640 108 15 BOTTOMLEY, James FindMyPast

3Locations Database Record 434 Little Horton, Horton, Bradford, Yorkshire
District: Bradford.
4Locations Database Record 440 Horton Lane, Horton, Bradford, Yorkshire
District: Bradford.
5GRO, SCOTT, Fred & BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1892 Marriage (1892 Q4 Bradford 9b 15 306).
Text From Source:
Certificate: MXE 515123
District: Bradford
Place: St.Stephens Church
Parish: West Bowling
County: York
Entry No: 306
When: Dec 24th 1892
Name: Fred Scott Susannah Bottomley
Age: 23 years 21 years
Condition: Bachelor Spinster
Profession: Bag maker -
Residence: 8 Franklin St 161 Bowling Old Lane
Father: John Scott James Eli Bottomley
Profession: Plumber Carter
Witnesses: Fred'ck Harrison & Isabella Stafford
Married after Banns by John Clarke Vicar
Index 279: SCOTT, Fred Bradford, Y. 9b 15
Index 033: BOTTOMLEY, Susannah Bradford, Y. 9b 15.
Cit. Date: 24 December 1892.

Source: SCOTT, Fred & BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1892 Marriage, SCOTT, Fred 1892-12-24 Marriage


Source: SCOTT, Fred & BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1892 Marriage, SCOTT, Fred 1892 Q4 Marr FreeBMD


Source: SCOTT, Fred & BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1892 Marriage, BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1892 Q4 Marr FreeBMD

6Locations Database Record 161 Bowling Old Lane, West Bowling, Bradford, Yorkshire
District: Bradford.
7GRO, 1901 RG13 4362 093 12 SCOTT, Fred (RG13 4362 093 12 74).
Text From Source:
District: Sheffield
Sub-district: West Sheffield
Enum.District: 14
Eccl.District: Sheffield St.Judes Eldon
Parish: Sheffield
City/Borough: Sheffield - St.Georges
Address: 6 Chester Street, Sheffield
County: Yorkshire (West Riding)
Name Relation Condition Sex Age Occupation Employ Status At Home Where Born
Fred Scott Head M M 32 Leather Bag Maker Worker Bradford, Yorks
Susannah Scott Wife M F 29 Bradford, Yorks
Fred Scott Son S M 3 Ipswich, Suffolk
James Scott Son S M 1 Sheffield, Yorks
Cit. Date: 31 March 1901.

Source: 1901 RG13 4362 093 12 SCOTT, Fred, 1901 RG13 4362 093 12 SCOTT, Fred FindMyPast

8Locations Database Record 6 Chester Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Sheffield.
9GRO, 1911 RG14 27851 RG78 1594 510 1 03 242 SCOTT, Fred (RG14 27851 RG78 1594 510 1 03 242).
Text From Source:
District: Sheffield
Sub-district: South Sheffield
Enum.District: 3
Eccl.District: ?
Parish: Sheffield
City/Borough: ?
Address: 4 Chester Street, Sheffield
County: Yorkshire (West Riding)
Name Relation Sex Age Married Occupation Industry Employ Status At Home Where Born
Fred Scott Head M 42 M Portmanteau Maker Worker Bradford, Yorkshire
Susannah Scott Wife F 39 M 19 yrs Bradford, Yorkshire
Fred Scott Son M 13 S Errand Boy Trunk & Portmanteau Makers Worker Ipswich, Suffolk
James Scott Son M 11 S School Boy Sheffield, Yorkshire
Children Children Children
Born Living Died
3 2 1
Cit. Date: 2 April 1911.

Source: 1911 RG14 27851 RG78 1594 510 1 03 242 SCOTT, Fred, 1911 RG14 27851 RG78 1594 510 1 03 242 SCOTT, Fred FindMyPast

10Locations Database Record 4 Chester Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Sheffield.
11TNA, 1939 RG101 3527H 020 31 FENNELL, Frederick (RG101 3527H 020 31 KIJR 233).
Text From Source:
Ref: RG101/3527H/020/33
Letter Code: 13b KIJR
County: Yorkshire (West Riding)
Borough: Sheffield
District: 510-3
Address: 67, Musgrave Crescent
Name of person Status Gender Birthdate Cond. Occupation Schedule
Frederick Scott M 23 Feb 1917 S Sheet Backer - Steel Works 233 1
Fred Scott M 28 Jan 1869 M Trunk Maker - retired 233 2
Susannah Scott F ?? May 1872 M Unpaid Domestic Duties 233 3
Cit. Date: 29 September 1939.

Source: 1939 RG101 3527H 020 31 FENNELL, Frederick, 1939 RG101 3527H 020 31 FENNELL, Frederick FindMyPast

12GRO, SCOTT nee BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1953 Death (1953 Q3 Sheffield 2d 187 42).
Text From Source:
Certificate: XB 902966
District: Sheffield
Sub-district: Sheffield North-East
County: Sheffield
Entry No: 42
When: Fifteenth September 1953
Where: 2 Herries Road U.D.
Name: Susannah Scott
Sex: Female
Age: 80 years
Occupation: Widow of Fred Scott, Leather Worker
Cause: Arterio sclerosis Certified by J.E.Middleton B.M.
Informant: F.Scott Son
Address: 12 Painted Fabrics, Meadowhead, Sheffield
Registered: Seventeenth September 1953
Registrar: J.M.Beattie
Issued to: Frederick Fennell Scott
Address: 67 Musgrave Crescent, Sheffield
Relationship: Adopted child
Index 200: SCOTT, Susannah 80 Sheffield 2d 187.
Cit. Date: 17 September 1953.

Source: SCOTT nee BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1953 Death, SCOTT, Susannah 1953-09-15 Death


Source: SCOTT nee BOTTOMLEY, Susannah 1953 Death, SCOTT, Susannah 1953 Q3 Death FindMyPast

13Locations Database Record St.Stephen's Church, 48 Newton Street, Bradford, Yorkshire
District: Bradford.
14Sussannah Scott, SCOTT aka FENNELL, Frederick 1929 Form (Education Act Form 20/03/1929).
Text From Source:
The Education Act, 1921, Section 135.
To the Superintendent Registrar or other person having the custody of the Register Book in which the Birth of the under-mentioned young person under the age of 16 years or child is recorded.
I, the undersigned, hereby demand, for the purpose of production to the Education Committee a Certificate of the Birth of the young person or child, in relation to whom the following particulars are given :-
Name of young person or child in full: Frederick Fennell
Date of Birth: The 23rd day of Feby, One thousand Nine hundred and Seventeen
Place of Birth: 32 Union Road
Father's Name (in full): ----
Father's Occupation: ----
Mother's Name (in full): Margaret Hilda Fennell
Mother's Maiden Surname: ----
Signature of Applicant: Sussannah Scott
Address: 54 Trafalgar St - Sheffield
Dated this 20th day of March 1929
Cit. Date: 20 March 1929.

Source: SCOTT aka FENNELL, Frederick 1929 Form, FENNELL, Frederick 1929-03-20 Form

15Sheffield City Council, SCOTT, Fred 1929-1930 Electoral Roll.
Text From Source:
1929/30 Electoral Roll for 54 Trafalgar Street:
SCOTT, Susannah
Cit. Date: from 1929 to 1930.
16Locations Database Record 54 Trafalgar Street, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Sheffield.
17Locations Database Record 67 Musgrave Crescent, Shirecliffe, Sheffield, Yorkshire
District: Sheffield.